Competitive Socialising Awards Logo

Frequently asked questions

Enter now

Learn more about the awards

To keep things simple, we've answered your most frequently asked questions here.

How much does it cost to enter?

Entering the Competitive Socialising Awards is entirely free.

How many categories can I enter?

You can enter as many categories as you feel are appropriate for your company to enter.

How do I enter?

Please note: entries for the awards is now CLOSED for 2024.

Clicking any 'enter now' button will take you through to our online questionnaire which will act as your submission.

We will ask for some basic details of your company before moving onto which category you'd like to enter. From that point onwards, the entry form will ask you questions related to the awards category you have selected.

Save & return
We're aware it can become a large task to enter any award. Because of this, we've chosen an online survey option that allows you to save your work and return to your draft at a later date. This makes it easier to share the task between your team, or to fill in the details over time.

As you fill in the form, there will be a 'save' button that appears next to the 'next' button on the form. Clicking this will save your progress so that you're able to return and fill in the rest at a later date.

Please note: this save functionality relies on you accepting cookies on the website. Any details entered and saved can be lost if you purge your browser data or reject cookies on the site.

Will there be an opportunity to send in supporting information?

Please note: entries for the awards is now CLOSED for 2024.

We will judge each entry based on the standard information submitted in the questionnaire. However, if you have extra information that you want to submit to help your submission, this will also be considered.

Before submitting your entry, there is a free-upload function where you can upload any additional information you think could help your submission.

Consider entering:
| Press coverage: attach links, videos or images of instances you've been recognised by the press
| Include testimonials and reviews from your customers
| Video tours of your venue, or even a little interview recorded on your phone can help paint a vibrant picture of you and why you should win
| Highlight some key individual social media posts that really help your successes shine

What's the criteria for entering the awards?

The only criteria for entering is that you operate a venue that contains a competitive socialising, immersive experience & gaming or entertainment element. This can be the entire concept for your venue or just a small snippet of your whole operation.

Apart from this, we advise that you apply only for categories that apply to your operation.

Who is judging the awards?

The Gamechangers advisory board who have been hand selected for their expertise, innovative visions and overall talent within the hospitality industry. Learn more about who is on the judging panel here.

What is the deadline for entries?

31st March 2024.

When will the shortlist be announced?

15th April 2024.

When are the awards taking place?

On stage on 9th May 2024 during the evening portion of the Competitive Socialising: The Power of Play Conference.

All entrants get two free tickets as part of their entry. A code will be sent to successful applicants via email post-entry.